Monday, April 16, 2012

Call of duty: Black Ops Zombie

"Call of duty: black ops zombie" is a very popular game mode, it is the newest zombie mode in the call of duty series. The zombie mode is very fun, you earn points, or money to buy better weapons, to survive more waves. The waves are endless, you play until your dead. The funny thing is you can see how long you come up on the highscore list.

You can play solo, or multiplayer online or offline, you can play with up to 3 more players, but it will be harder then. The more players you are in one match, the harder it is. The most easy way to get to an high wave or level is to play solo. But it's more fun with more players!

You can buy more maps for the zombie mode. Via. playstation store, you can buy much more maps to play. But personally i think the first one (Kino Der Toten) was the best one.

"Moon", is a very cool map, you are replaced on the moon to destroy all the zombies. The gravity is much smaller, so you fly when you jump. There is a guy who always is trying to kill you, but you can't kill him. You will need to collect more points, to open new doors. I'm sorry, but you will need to pay even more money to buy the map to play it. It isn't that much money for me, but who knows? Everyone isn't rich like me, nah, just joking :)

I would rate this gamemode like 9/10.

This was just an little fact/review of the game, "COD: Black ops: Zombie mode"


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